Frequently Asked Questions
We provide free standard shipping for all orders within the United States, encompassing Alaska and Hawaii as well. Typically, orders are transported and delivered within a span of 4 to 7 business days.
Kindly be aware that certain orders might experience delays that extend beyond the anticipated delivery dates due to factors beyond our control. During peak periods, our distribution center might require an additional three business days to dispatch your order.
Our Promise to you is quite simple. We Absolutely Guarantee Your Complete Satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with your purchase within the first 30 days, we want you to return it. Our Satisfaction Guarantee is the best in the business.
Please contact us by email at and send us your order number to start your return.

Our guarantee
Our Promise to you is quite simple; We Absolutely Guarantee Your Complete Satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with your purchase within the first 30 days, we want you to return it. Our Satisfaction Guarantee is the best in the business!